The Timeless Diamond

The most coveted of the birthstones, the diamond is the gemstone for April birthdays. It’s almost a cliché to say that “diamonds are forever,” but when we think about timeless gemstones the diamond is always the first to come to mind. Diamonds were formed between 1-3 million years ago in the earth’s mantle, then thrust to the surface of the earth through volcanic vents.

Diamonds are prized for their ability to refract light into a rainbow of colors, which jewelers refer to as, “fire.” Another key element to the diamond’s timelessness is its ability to sparkle when hit with the light, which jewelers refer to as “scintillation.” An expert cut creates a number of visual effects in the light, which is one reason why diamonds are so cherished by every generation.

While one of the hardest gemstones (with a 10 on the Mohs hardness scale!), it is a common misconception that diamonds are unsusceptible to harm. In spite of their strength, diamonds can chip or crack, which is one reason why it’s important to regularly check in with a qualified local jeweler.

“Wearing your fine jewelry appropriately can extend its life. It is important to remove jewelry during high-risk activities such as exercising, gardening, cooking and swimming, during which gemstones can become chipped or loose in their settings.

“Because they are so hard, when diamonds become loose in their settings, they can actually cut through the metal holding them in place. Regular examinations by a qualified local jeweler can help detect problems early, and prevent gemstone loss. More importantly, purchasing quality jewelry is the first step toward ensuring lasting value. A well-built mounting will hold and protect your gemstones for years,” says Deb Miller, owner of Mansfield’s Miller’s Diamond Jewelry.

As “engagement season” and summer weddings fast approach, many brides and grooms will select diamond rings to represent the timelessness of their love as they make a lifetime commitment to each other, and their choice is based in truth.

Diamonds have played an important part in numerous cultures for thousands of years. As early as the fourth century BC, the diamond trade began in India, making it to Western Europe in the 1400s. Diamonds and other gemstones have been held in high regard by numerous cultures, believed to provide the wearer strength and to carry healing properties. In the first century AD, Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder stated, “Diamond is the most valuable, not only of precious stones, but of all things in this world.”

Regardless of whether celebrating an April birthday, making a lifetime commitment, or treating someone for Mother’s Day, a diamond is a truly timeless way to declare your love.


Diamond Buying Guide

